The Grail Lords

Rating: 8.3/30
Rank:10st 3rd Last Week
Genre:Adventure, Rpg
Graphics:Text Base


Welcome Grail Seeker, Start your Sacred Grail Quest into this wonderful world stuffed with adventure, mystery and danger! Use your skills to become a renowned Craftsman, a cunning bastard or a noble knight. Grow in reputation and fame during your ultimate Quest and become a Grail Legend!

Due to ABUSE/SPAM, until the new BBOGD is here. Reviews are being reviewed before being displayed.

Happy Wink Grin Mad Sad Cool Razz OMG! Roll Eyes Blush Lips are Sealed Not Sure Kiss Cry lol


  • Tormentus

    Aug 2nd

     After many years, Im still hooked to this game, Theres plenty to do, lots of friends to make, quests to carry out every year, even the developer allowes players to make their own quests from time to time. I just love it, simple as that, and I suggest everybody to give it a try.

  • Dalip

    Jul 10th

     Grail Word is the best game ever quordle

  • Poison Ivy X

    Jan 11th

     not my cup of coffee

  • cuthar

    Dec 15th

     (2022) This game is just getting better and better every year. 6 and a half years in the game, the progress never slows down, never gets boring and never takes more time than a game should. Not a grind game and also pay 2 win is not possible.

  • cuthar

    Dec 17th

     More than 5 years in the game and still kicking. The game keeps getting better. I've traveled 20+ countries since I began the game but never had a day without a login.

  • supergamer

    Nov 2nd

     Active community, regular updates, insane amount of options and in-depth game experience. The owner Arogandor is very nice, but you are indeed not allowed to swear in the taverns. big ****king deal

  • Helfdane

    Sep 12th

     After many years of playing, I have deleted my account out of frustration with the owner and his ever-increasing censorship of communications between players.

    I have always had a bit of fun with the other towns, this month I was even voted "Seeker of the Month" while being nominated by a Seeker from another town, so obviously my roleplaying banter is just in fun.

    However, something as simple as "And don't let me catch who keeps letting their cat crap in my yard." was erased from my announcement. I guess I offended the crap taking cat who plays TGL.

  • Tormentus

    Feb 6th

     If I could, i would rate this game 20/10. I fell in love with its freedom of character development and skill system. To be a browser game, its skills are very deep and well designed, the tutorial quests are easy to understand so you get properly introduced to the game, and the community is lovely. You always feel welcomed at the Grail Tavern :) I invite everybody to enjoy this game with us ^^

  • cuthar

    Dec 16th

     I leave a comment same day every year. This game gets more and more rewarding. Considering I spend only 5 - 15 mins every night, this game is my best investment.

  • Albatross

    Aug 23rd

     I've been playing for nearly a year. The game starts slow and keeps getting better as you train skills and improve equipment..
    But the best thing is the people. Visit the tavern daily to have a beer, then stay for an hour chatting, bragging, making deals, picking pockets, helping noobs ... the choice is yours.

  • cuthar

    Dec 17th

     2 years since my last comment, and 3.5 years playing this game. Gotta say that never been a day I didn't sign in.

  • Rg0mx

    Jul 12th

     Just love it. Great, friendly and helpful player community. Casual playstyle but filled with interesting stuff. Something to do everyday.

  • cuthar

    Dec 17th

     It's been more than 1.5 year since I started playing. I wait for the daily reset every single day before I go sleep. Addicting but doesn't steal your time.

  • Kohana

    Nov 18th

     Excellent game with lots to do. If you are looking for a game which rewards your time and commitment as you grow then this is among the best there is.

    The owner and community are very supportive and are responsive to questions and suggestions from players.

  • Mikesterbrau

    Sep 6th

     So I have been playing this game for almost a year now and it is still my favorite. I really can't nail it down to any one thing that makes me love this game so much. It is simple and does not take much time yet I find myself looking forward to the next chance to play. Lots of skills to work on and objectives to strive for. I have tried to find something like it to tide me over for the time between the daily resets and it has just mastered the niche completely. The community is very active and the events are fun.

  • joker8740

    Feb 28th

     Good game

  • Arogandor

    Apr 6th

     The coders did add the necessary security to protect the passwords of all the players. The passwords are always encrypted. Only when you register, the password is send to you in the mail for your account activation.

  • lucky38

    Mar 10th

     It's a good game, but one thing I did disliked about it was that the password is in text and not secured through the script, coders should at least add sha-1 or md5 security to their password script part. After signing up and getting the username and password in my email,it made me not want to be bothered playing the game, it's a security risk.

  • Axe Man

    Nov 14th

     A game where you can do as many things as you can expect from a Medieval time period game and more. From Blacksmithing to Cheesemaking, from Hunting to Beer Brewing, there's way too many skills than any single player can master, only a handful of skills have been mastered at all!

    Best part is, the game has new features constantly added by the site owner, who plays it himself. No premium access here, everything is available to all!

    Live in either Camaar or Spero, and leave your mark on the Grail Realm.

  • Aridoto

    Jun 28th

     This game offers people the possibility to get involved in something. It's nice to know that your opinion matters and that you can see your own idea used to improve something. The owner is very opened, it's easy to communicate with him. The Grail Lords is a game full of surprises. I strongly recommend it!

  • Ken

    Jun 4th

     One of the better rpg games out there. It has a little different way of doing things that makes it a very good game.

  • Helfdane

    Jun 2nd

     A very casual MMO with a long-term, gratifying RPG experience. Skill gains cover a very large array of abilities, and the economy is very player driven.

    The Grail Lords has a very helpful community base, and the owner/operator of the site is very active within the community.

    It has a fairly steep learning curve, but once you get your bearings and set yourself goals, it is rewarding.

    If you want a casual MMO that takes only a few minutes of your time each day, consider TGL.