
Rating: 0.0/0
Rank:310st 307rd Last Week
Genre:Sports, Strategy


For all motor sport fans Join the now and start your racing career for free! Compete against other players in different racing series :6 open-wheel single sitter formulas: karting, F1600, F2000, FRL 3, FRL 3.5, FRL 1. Each series has own set of car parts to upgrade and to set up before the race. COMPLETLY NEW FEATURES Race simulation bases on physics. You can see speed, g-force, acceleration and braking indicators Race replays that can be speeded up, slowed down, paused and run frame by frame to analyse speed on each turn Car telemetry 1on1 challenges (time-trials against 1 opponent) Multiskills trainings Car parts upgrades Live races If you are a big fan of motor sports and like manager and multiplayer games, then apply now for free and be part of a!

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