Monster MMORPG

Rating: 8.0/8
Rank:237nd 257nd Last Week
Genre:Pet, Rpg

Description: Free to play browser based Monster Catching, Training and Battling MMO. Well if you love Pokemon games or looking for free to play online games, this game is just for you. Monster MMORPG has fully working PVP and integrated chat system so you will also enjoy with your friends while playing the game.

Due to ABUSE/SPAM, until the new BBOGD is here. Reviews are being reviewed before being displayed.

Happy Wink Grin Mad Sad Cool Razz OMG! Roll Eyes Blush Lips are Sealed Not Sure Kiss Cry lol


  • Animosity

    Mar 31st

     It's a good game. It was easy to get into. But I quickly lost interest in it

  • Marcuz

    Jul 9th

     Very active community, alot to do, and has alot to explore. It's difficult to switch one's mind set from "Pokemon" from "Monster mmorpg" you just can't think that they're 2 different games. Because of that, learning affects and monsters will be somewhat difficult. However, it's still a fun game and is easy to pick up.

  • TimeTraveler

    Feb 20th

     Please know that there shouldn't be a "vote cheat system" when it comes to this game. The developer awards players daily for going on various sites to vote for this game.

    This game may turn off a lot of players who are not used to to such a design, as this game's walking system and battle system is very different from your Pokemon Nintendo.

    Please give it a try though, and see if it's a game you would like to try. It just got a big update and it's nothing like the old monstermmorpg from a few weeks ago.

  • Fei

    May 13th

     Jumped up 4,000 votes in one week. Obviously using a vote cheat program.

  • Gremlin

    May 9th

     A good idea, but ruined by awful layout and design.

  • MonsterMMORP

    Nov 9th

     well this game rocks :) if you love pokemon try it out