Football Arena

Rating: 6.4/7
Rank:478th 475th Last Week
Graphics:Text Base


To manage a football team is a big commitment. However, it is not necessary to be online everyday to play and succeed in Football Arena. In fact, it is enough to check your team once or twice a week to set league, cup and friendly matches line-up, to see training results and maybe to buy some new players. There are both league matches and national teams.

Due to ABUSE/SPAM, until the new BBOGD is here. Reviews are being reviewed before being displayed.

Happy Wink Grin Mad Sad Cool Razz OMG! Roll Eyes Blush Lips are Sealed Not Sure Kiss Cry lol


  • Mingva

    Aug 31st

     A simple, yet addictive old style text based game. Good point - no need to be online everyday to be competitive. There are league, cup, friendly and international matches, as well as friendly leagues.
    If you need more challenge and excitement, try your luck by managing National, U-22 or U-19 team.