Creature World

Rating: 7.5/2
Rank:55th 77th Last Week
Graphics:Text Base


Welcome to Creature World and our friendly community. Whether you love games, collections or even snuggling up to your favorite pet, you've come to the right place! Creature World is a great way to spend your day! Dress up your avatars in the latest Creature World fashions, change your clothes and hair colors depending on your mood! Frolic in our beautiful gardens, get down and dirty on the farm, grow your own fresh flowers! Chat with your friends, compete in our contests, wrack your brain with our trivia. Can you be the richest player, the best can shooter, the owner of the strongest pet? Play any way you'd like, Creature World will always have something great for you to do!

Due to ABUSE/SPAM, until the new BBOGD is here. Reviews are being reviewed before being displayed.

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