CAC Mafia Life

Rating: 7.5/8
Rank:120st 144st Last Week
Genre:Mafia, Rpg
Graphics:Text Base


CAC Mafia Life is a massive, online, multi player text based mafia game (RPG) with no downloads needed! You start out as a lonely thief stealing candy from small children, your hope and dream is to become the most feared and respected E-Thug on the internet.

Due to ABUSE/SPAM, until the new BBOGD is here. Reviews are being reviewed before being displayed.

Happy Wink Grin Mad Sad Cool Razz OMG! Roll Eyes Blush Lips are Sealed Not Sure Kiss Cry lol


  • Gamer

    Jun 29th

     Really fun game with a solid group of players. Occasionally see those players who talk trash and then cry when they get beat up on. I bet the last 2 reviews are from the same person. Is that you Vader? Talked a bunch of trash and told everyone to bring it on. Then they did, and you cried about it. So your next step is to give the game a low rating.

  • Joka

    Jun 4th

     used to play, then i realized i was wasting my time.

  • Bangkok

    Jun 4th

     very boring. most players quit