Rating: 8.7/25
Rank:3rd 1st Last Week
Genre:Adventure, Rpg
Graphics:2D Dimension


Launched in 2019, Agonia is a text-based adventure/fighting RPG. It is 100% free (no pay-to-win), ad-free, and with a very strong community. The world begins with two factions, who land on an uninhabited and wild new world. You can pick from among 8 tribes (races), master a numerous selection of weapons, and train various crafting skills (alchemy, forgery, tailoring, sorcery among others). The lands are merciless and there is no rule; you can become a lawful fighter, a trader, a mercenary, an adventurer, an artisan, or invent your own style. There is a wide diversity of character builds and a unique tactical depth in a game where the path you take, alliances you forge, and friendships or rivalries you cultivate are entirely in your hands.

Due to ABUSE/SPAM, until the new BBOGD is here. Reviews are being reviewed before being displayed.

Happy Wink Grin Mad Sad Cool Razz OMG! Roll Eyes Blush Lips are Sealed Not Sure Kiss Cry lol


  • boystrong100

    Sep 8th

     Funny adventure game, very interesting

  • Albatross

    Apr 24th

     This is a great game. the interface looks simple but hides a lot of complexity.
    Except for your starting gear, everything is crafted from gathered resources. Gear, tools, and even the roads and towns are built by players.
    It's a big world with lots of monsters, ranging from wasps to mammoths, lava twirlers and dragons. Plus kooky events with even more monsters.

    There are 2 enemy factions, Order and the Forsaken. That means lots of PVP, with raids across the borders and organized raiding parties.

    Unbelievably in this age of games, everything is free.

  • Queen Scar

    Jul 22nd

     Friendly game plenty of actives

  • Good Girl

    Feb 21st

     cute adventure game chat is quite cheeky too and lively

  • s7

    Apr 24th

     Long time player of this game and its predecessor since early 2000's. Not much has changed over 20 years but the launch of Agonia and the inherent updates have improved many facets. Mountains of work and pain lie ahead for the developers (who work freely and on their spare time, I might add) but the linchpin is the community who strive to enjoy the game while helping new players.

  • The Light

    Apr 7th

     The game and community are great. Both sides do what they can to support each other and to help newbies. While some of the players have know each other for a long time, some are new to this community and have only been given the greatest support by both the players and admins. While sometimes conflict does happen between players, it is all fair and watch by the admins.
    The person named " Ingg" only has themselves to blame for what happened.

    Now, if you like intense pvp and pve action with faction warfare, this is the game for you. Join either the fellowship or the forsaken and join us.

  • Agonia

    Apr 7th

     I am an admin of the game posting to reply to the comment below from Ingg.
    Ingg is generalizing the behavior of one person to the whole community. In the 6 months that she has played, it only happened ONCE (today) that one player killed her for something she deems unfair (she was accused of leaking information to the enemy faction).
    I can understand she feels sore about it, but blaming our entire community and the game is much more unfair than the treatment she received in-game (she did leak information...).

  • Ingg

    Apr 7th

     An interesting game held back by the community playing it. It's small, and you'll find that the game basically revolves around a couple dozen players who have known each other for a very long time. You either do what those players tell you, or they invent reasons to kill you.

  • Gamr1526

    Mar 9th

     Agonia takes you on an adventure through a fantasy world based off numerous different tribes and three factions. You have the freedom to choose the tribe and faction which best suites your game play style. With a vast community of players from around the world, who are active and always willing to help, Agonia will allow you to build relationships with fellow game players and insert your style into a role-play world. Give it a try!

  • Ingg

    Mar 9th

     Hey! The game is good fun, give it a go! Some details not covered above: To keep things balanced and paced, the game operates on two major resources: Turns and Movement. You slowly regenerate both over time, even when logged off. Turns are spent to explore, craft, and train. Movement is spent to move about the map. The number of Turns or Movement spend to perform an action varies, but is displayed clearly in game. Join our Discord to learn more, and feel free to DM me if you have questions!