Reward Players, How to setup a return

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Step 1.) Add a user id to the end of your vote link like so

Step 2.) Create a script on your server that we can send USERID back to

Example Script

Step 3.) Modify game listing & update the "Return" to point to your reward script.


Like in the example script below, make sure each player is only rewarded once!

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Example Reward Script

// Example Top Site Reward Script by - Dec 6th, 2015
// Contact us if you have an issue with this script

// Connect to database
$db = new mysqli('localhost''username''password''database');

// Grab User ID
$userid is_int($_GET['userid']) ? $_GET['userid'] : false;

// Reward Player only if they haven't today.
// Reward if player hasn't voted
$user $db->query("SELECT voted FROM users WHERE id='$userid'")->fetch_assoc();
$db->query("UPDATE users SET reward=reward+1, voted='1' WHERE id='$userid';");